Wednesday, March 28, 2018

March 28, 2018

My niece Sarah died in March of 2017.  I stumbled across it on the internet.  I called the thing in grants pass, Oregon.  I was giving her my condolences and apologizing all over the place.  Blah, blah, blah.  Then it hit me the next day how the cretin probably didn’t tell me on purpose.   She didn’t want me to know. She was surprised that I “found out.”  How did you find out? the thing asked me.  After that I stewed about it for a few days, I emailed her.  I don’t feel like writing all the Details of my email, but I was brutally honest and I used a thinly veiled accusation that she was vengeful and that this practice was limited to God.   She wrote me back and continued on for three or four paragraphs raving about what a lunatic I was what a psycho I was how awful it was for me to think that God would take Sarah away just because she hadn’t talk to me for years.  She actually believes that’s what I meant.   I meant she was being paid back. And I firmly believe that. She has reaped what she has sown which has been one  disaster after another.  her husband is a pedophile who was caught red-handed molesting her daughter when her daughter was only three or four years old.  He is living in Arkansas and has been for six years managing the Sanford and Son junk store that they have that they can’t unload probably because they’re asking too much for it.  It’s all about money with them. I don’t think he wants to live in in Oregon with the cretin. I think she’s a bitch.   I would love to believe like Letty suggested he has a second family that he supports and lives with and wants to be with in Arkansas. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was him who was stealing from the store. He’s a thief a pedophile total loser. Her oldest son Matthew doesn’t want anything to do with her he wouldn’t even go to his own sisters funeral.  She puts him down because he’s a Jehovah’s Witness which is So funny because he’s totally rejecting her and her beliefs and who can blame him. She’s not shown any kind of Christian behavior she’s she’s a horrible horrible person and he’s been smart enough to see that I’m happy for him I’m hoping he’s happy I’m happy for him I’m happy that he seen the first that is the cretin at her pedophile husband.   The last son is Ryan he’s a 35-year-old cluster fuck of a person who is overweight who is developmentally disabled he’s a moron like her. He wants to still live with his mommy he’s not married I think he’s got a job I don’t know but it’s it’s one thing after another with her it’s one disaster after another it’s one catastrophe after another and frankly she deserves it.   I know I’m not supposed to feel this way but I cannot stand this person I don’t think I’ve ever hated anybody else as much as I do her I wish she would just go away I wish she would be impeached from life am I hope the whirlwind continues and she just repeats and repeats and repeats what she saw on because God knows she does deserve it I’m I know that God is probably not happy with me for feeling this way but I can’t help it she’s treated me badly she’s treated my mother badly.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Online dating and me

Well  I have never met such a group of losers.  I'm sorry, I am picky, but the sorry bunch of men I've met should be quarantined. 

I feel sorry for some of them.  They just don't get it. 

One guy who lives in Goleta, CA and is a retired military officer, thinks if he fills his house with toys that he will attract people.  He drives a new sexy black sports car, but he has the personality of a garden slug.  I could have overlooked the "trying too hard" home décor, but this guy actually thought giving me his best "stern military officer" look with his aviator glasses on was a good opener.  I wanted to say, "you're kidding right?"  I didn't.  He was a total and complete turn-off.

Another guy, after I met him once, would call me up crying because he couldn't find his keys..... Ooooooooo Kaaaayyyyyyy. :|   Way to make a good impression Romeo.

Another guy is, in my opinion, a misogynist.  I can only hope other women read this.  So far, this man I've reported to the Health Department, and the community pool where he floats his oozing, herpes-riddled junk all over.  Don't accidentally swallow the water!  Chlorine may or may not do it - I dunno.  He gets as many women as he can into bed, WITHOUT telling them he has herpes.  He rushes it - hoping he won't be asked "the hard questions."  A lot of women find out AFTER, and are furious.  He thinks he's a medical brain, and pooh-poohs their concern.  He volunteers all this to me!  Then he mocks my concern by emailing me an article that states genital herpes can morph into HIV.  I have also forwarded this to the Health Department.

More later......  and yes I hope these men read this!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014 Men men. Where do I begin? Been on Match for 2 years or so. I have been out with A LOT of men. My advice: Women of Santa Barbara, CA! Make sure your guy DOES NOT have herpes! Most (YES MOST) of the guys I have met have self-disclosed that they have genital herpes. They believe that if they are not having an outbreak (oozing, pus-filled blisters on their genitals - lovely), that they are not contagious. W R O N G ! ! So they f*** whomever will let them, spreading this viral disease (no cure) far and wide. My doctor says that STD's are occurring in epidemic proportions. All people who are herpes positive should be on anti-retro-virals (Valcyclovere), but most are not. If they were, the medication cuts down the contagiousness to almost nil. In Santa Barbara, CA, I have found that the over 50 crowd are usually the worst. They hope that women won't want to have "the talk" BEFORE sex. They try to hustle you into bed on the first or second date, and if they succeed in accomplishing this "conquest", then they may tell you. I have found that these men are not interested in marriage, long-term committed relationships, patience. They know that if they reveal too much about themselves (herpes) before sex, any woman in her right mind won't want to touch them with a ten foot pole. And their childish, conquest-seeking buffoonery is foiled. Another problem is that a lot of online daters are just odd. One guy thought it would be great first date fodder to tell me that his ex-wife didn't taste good "down there." HUH???!!!!!! Another guy showed up for our first date hungover. He didn't speak but boy he wanted to see me again. Uh - no. I mean what do these men think? Another guy, a famous actor actually, thought it was acceptable on our first date to tell me that he was constipated, and tried finding a bush (in the parking lot of one of our favorite seafood restaurants) to take a shit behind!! I kid you not. These three guys all have herpes. Unfortunately, I have mostly horror stories. And I'm a beautiful woman.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

My house remodel and AN UPDATE

I'm remodeling my house since January of this year.

I've fallen in love with one of the Mexican guys working on my house.  What to do?  He's not married.  He's younger than me.  I don't want to date him necessarily - just see him and get to know him.... ahem. Oct. 2013 Wow! What a ride. I became quite emotionally unhinged by this sweet little man. I see him very seldom, maybe once a month or so.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ex Step Son

For all the ladies out there who are considering marrying someone with children - DON'T. For the most part, not always, but for the most part step-children are a sure fire way to:

  • have a heart attack/stroke

  • break up/divorce

  • go to prison for life for murder

In my view, unless the kids are infants (3 weeks or less), or grown and living in another country, or on Mars, RUN!

The man you are marrying will usually have guilt issues for ending up divorced from the kids' mother. These guilt issues will ruin the kids, you, anyone who loves you/care about you, your relationship. It is invariably a toxic situation.

The kids usually never cease from wishing their parents would get back together, and they end up resenting YOU. Not always of course - there are exceptions. But for the most part, you can't win.

Monday, May 30, 2011


  1. "I'm so glad you quit SMOKING!"

    By the way, the act of quitting smoking she was talking about was when I was a teenager - a full 20 YEARS prior.

    Backstory: Never coming up to me privately, intimately and telling me this. No - she trumpets it to anyone and everyone in her living room that day in ~1983 while we all were enjoying a child's birthday party. My two aunts and I were conversing together about cooking or some recipe we tried and liked, and Nancy barges in to our space, interupts us to say..... what? that she loves that recipe too!? No. That she has a recipe she wants to share with us? No. She bellows out in an embarrassing too-obvious fashion that, "I'm so glad you quit SMOKING!" Are we being a little too obvious? Are our attempts at making Beverly look bad a little too obviously self-serving.

    My aunts and I just gawked at her! None of us could figure out her timing! LOL!

  2. "We have the things that money CAN'T buy" Backstory:

  3. "I don't feel any affection for her. Not one iota" Backstory: